Pierre Flener's Professional Activities
Editing, Steering, Reviewing, Organising, and Invited Lecturing
I am / was Guest Editor of:- Special Issue on Constraint Programming for Air Traffic Control & Management (call) of the Knowledge Engineering Review, Volume 27, Issue 3, September 2012
- Special Issue on ASE 2000 of the Automated Software Engineering journal, Volume 10, Number 2, April 2003
- Special Issue on Inductive Programming (call) of the Automated Software Engineering journal, Volume 8, Number 2, April 2001
- Special Issue on Schemas (call) of the Journal of Symbolic Computation, Volume 30, Number 1, July 2000
- CSTVA, the international workshops on Constraint Solvers in Testing, Verification, and Analysis; since May 2017
- ACP, the Association for Constraint Programming, from 2013 to 2016 (election statement); from October 2013 to December 2016, I was also the Conference Coordinator
- SAIS, the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society, from September 2008 to May 2012
- AICCSA, the ACS / IEEE International Conferences on Computer Systems and Applications, from 2001 to 2005
- ASE, the IEEE international conferences on Automated Software Engineering, from September 2000 to September 2004
- SweConsNet 2015, the 14th Workshop of the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, the SweConsNet network being co-founded by me in 2002
- CP meets CAV 2014, the workshop Constraint Programming meets Computer-Aided Verification, held in September 2014
- CP meets CAV 2012, the seminar Constraint Programming meets Computer-Aided Verification, held in June 2012
- SymCon 2010, the 10th International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, the SymCon series being co-founded by me in 2001
- SweConsNet 2009, the 8th Workshop of the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, the SweConsNet network being co-founded by me in 2002
- ATM-CT, the International Workshop on Constraint Programming for Air Traffic Control and Management, held in 2008
- LSCS 2008, the 5th International Workshop on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction (LSCS series)
- ModRef 2008, the 7th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation
- SymCon 2002, the 2nd International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, the SymCon series being co-founded by me in 2001
- SweConsNet 2002, the 1st Workshop of the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, the SweConsNet network being co-founded by me
- SymCon 2001, the 1st International Workshop on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems, the SymCon series being co-founded by me
- AICCSA 2001, the 1st ACS / IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications
- ASE 2000, the 15th IEEE international conference on Automated Software Engineering
- LOPSTR 1998, the 8th international workshop on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation
- ASELP, the JICSLP 1998 workshop on Automated Software Engineering and Logic Programming
- CP 2016, the 22nd international conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- AAAI 2024 (Senior PC), AAAI 2022, AAAI 2021, AAAI 2020, AAAI 2018, AAAI 2017, AAAI 2016, AAAI 2015, AAAI 2014, AAAI 2012, AAAI 2011, and AAAI 2010, the AAAI Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
- CP 2024 (Senior PC), CP 2023, CP 2022 (Senior PC), CP 2021, CP 2020, CP 2019, CP 2018, CP 2017, CP 2016 (Testing & Verification track), CP 2015 (Senior PC), CP 2014, CP 2013 (Senior PC + Applications Track PC), CP 2012 (Senior PC + Applications Track PC), CP 2011, and CP 2007, the international conferences on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- IJCAI/ECAI 2022 (Senior PC), IJCAI 2021 (Senior PC), IJCAI 2020 (Senior PC), IJCAI 2019 (Senior PC, distinguished), IJCAI 2015 (Senior PC), and IJCAI 2013 (Senior PC), the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
- CPAIOR 2022, CPAIOR 2020, CPAIOR 2014, and CPAIOR 2013, the international conferences on the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Operations Research (OR) techniques in Constraint Programming (CP)
- ICTAI 2014 (SAT & CSP track), the 26th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
- SymCon 2012, SymCon 2011, SymCon 2009, SymCon 2008, SymCon 2007, SymCon 2005, and SymCon 2003, the international workshops on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems (the SymCon series being co-founded by me in 2001)
- WAITS 2012, the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Telecommunications and Sensor Networks, held at ECAI 2012
- RCRA 2011 and RCRA 2009, the International RCRA Workshops, on experimental evaluation of algorithms for solving problems with combinatorial explosion
- AAIP 2011, AAIP 2009, AAIP 2007, and AAIP 2005, the international workshops on Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming
- LSCS 2011, LSCS 2010, LSCS 2009, LSCS 2007, the international workshops on Local Search Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction (LSCS series)
- JFPC 2010 and JFPC 2009, les Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes
- ModRef 2010, ModRef 2007, ModRef 2004, ModRef 2003, and ModRef 2002, the international workshops on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation
- SAIS 2009, the 25th workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society
- LaSh 2008, the 2nd international workshop on Logic and Search
- ISCIS 2006, ISCIS 2004, and ISCIS 1998, the International Symposia on Computer and Information Sciences
- ASE 2004, ASE 2003, ASE 2002, ASE 2001, ASE 1999, ASE 1998, and ASE 1997, the IEEE international conferences on Automated Software Engineering
- AAAI 2002 Spring Symposium on the State of the Art and Future Trends of Logic-based Program Synthesis
- CL 2000, the international conference on Computational Logic, in the Program Development Stream
- LOPSTR 2000, LOPSTR 1999, LOPSTR 1997, and LOPSTR 1994, the international workshops on LOgic-based Program Synthesis and TRansformation
- TAINN 1995, the 4th Turkish on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Symposium
- CP-AI-OR 2024, the 21st international conference on the integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research
- CP 2013, the 19th international conference on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- CP meets CAV 2012, the seminar Constraint Programming meets Computer-Aided Verification, held in June 2012
- SweConsNet 2010, the 9th Workshop of the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, the SweConsNet network being co-founded by me in 2002
- SAIS 2010, the 26th workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society
- SweConsNet 2002, the 1st Workshop of the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, the SweConsNet network being co-founded by me
- CAV 2017 and CAV 2013, the international conferences on Computer Aided Verification
- ECAI 2016 and ECAI 2006, the European Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
- JFPC 2015 and JFPC 2013, les Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes
- CP 2010, CP 2009, and CP 2005, the international conferences on the Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming
- IJCAI 2007, IJCAI 2005, and IJCAI 1995, the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence
- WABI 2004 and WABI 2003, the international Workshops on Algorithms in Bioinformatics
- JICSLP 1998, the Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming
- LOPSTR 1993, the 3rd international workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation
- ACM Transactions on Computational Logic
- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
- Annals of Operations Research
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automated Software Engineering
- Constraints
- Informatica
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Journal of Logic Programming (defunct)
- Logic Journal of the IGPL
- Machine Learning
- New Generation Computing
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
- ISORGT 2018, the International Symposium on Operations Research and Game Theory: Modelling and Computation, held in Delhi (India) in January 2018
- SOAK 2015, the biennial conference of the Swedish society for Operations Analysis
- CP in a Nutshell, at the ACP Summer School 2017 on Constraint Programming
- Verifying String Manipulating Programs, at the Constraint Programming and Verification Master Class of CPAIOR 2015
- Symmetry and Case Study, at the ACP Summer School 2010 on Constraint Programming
- Structural Symmetry Handling, at SymCon 2009
- Schema-guided generation of correctly reusable programs (with K.-K. Lau, M. Ornaghi, and J. Richardson) at ASE 1999
- Dagstuhl Seminar 19062: Bringing CP, SAT, and SMT together: Next Challenges in Constraint Solving, held in February 2019
- Dagstuhl Seminar 12152: Program Synthesis, held in April 2012
- Dagstuhl Seminar 11201: Constraint Programming meets Machine Learning and Data Mining, held in May 2011
- Dagstuhl Seminar 9241: Analogical and Inductive Inference, held in October 1992
- Future of Constraint Programming (my slides), held at CP 2012
- Future Research Directions (my slides), held at SymCon 2005
- the 3rd International CSP Solver Competition, held in summer 2008
- ... numerous projects without project-specific pages ...
- the CORSA project, from 2001 to 2007, funded by STINT
Governmental / Societal Assignments
I serve(d) on the following assignments:- Panelist for the Research Council of Norway, in 2017
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Fonds National de la Recherche of Luxembourg, from February 2010 to October 2014
- Expert in Information and Communication Technology for the Foresight Exercise of the Fonds National de la Recherche of Luxembourg, in 2006/2007
My teaching activities are / were:- Undergraduate and postgraduate courses
- ACP Summer School 2017 on Constraint Programming
- ACP Summer School 2010 on Constraint Programming
Local Service
I serve / served on the following functions at my university:- Head of Research (FP) at the Department of Information Technology (since July 2021)
- Director (PAP) of the Research Programme in Computing Science (since February 2019)
- Director (FUAP) of the PhD Programme in Computer Science (from April 2019 to December 2021)
- Director (FUAP) of the PhD Programme in Database Technology (from June 2020 to December 2021)
- Director (FUS) of PhD Education at the Department of Information Technology (from January 2018 to June 2021)
- Academic Coordinator of various student exchange programmes at the Department of Information Technology (from September 2015 to January 2019)
- Elected Member of the board of the Department of Information Technology (from September 2015 to August 2018)
- Deputy Leader of the ProFuN project, sponsored to 25,000,000 SEK by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) (from June 2011 to June 2015)
- Member of the Education Board of Natural Sciences (NUN) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Uppsala University, Sweden (from January 2010 to December 2012)
- Representative of the Computing Science Division in the Gender Equity Group of the Department of Information Technology of Uppsala University, Sweden (from September 2007 to November 2010)
- Deputy Member of the Recruitment Group of the Department of Information Technology of Uppsala University, Sweden (from September 2008 to December 2009)
I am currently a member of:- Association for Constraint Programming (ACP)
- Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes (AFPC)
- Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
- Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS)
- Swedish Operations Research Association (SOAF)
- I am a co-founder and member of NordConsNet, the Nordic Network for researchers and practitioners of Constraint Programming, formerly SweConsNet, in 2002
- I was the coordinator of the Uppsala University node of CoLogNET, the European Network of Excellence in Computational Logic, from 2003 until its end in December 2005
My current (co-)advisees are:- Frej Knutar Lewander, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Zhanwei Yu, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Dr Kamran Forghani, postdoc, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2021-2023 (now at Chalmers University of Technology)
- Dr Jean-Noël Monette, postdoc, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011-2016 (now at Tacton)
- Gustav Björdal, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2021 (now at Coupa) (PhD Thesis: From Declarative Models to Local Search)
- Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2017 (PhD Thesis: Analysis, Synthesis and Application of Automaton-Based Constraint Descriptions) (I was the co-advisor)
- Joseph Scott, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016 (now at Coupa) (PhD Thesis: Other Things Besides Number: Abstraction, Constraint Propagation, and String Variable Types)
- Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2015 (PhD Thesis: Constraint Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks) (I was a co-advisor)
- Jun He, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013 (now at National University of Defense Technology, Wuhan, China) (PhD Thesis: Constraints for Membership in Formal Languages under Systematic Search and Stochastic Local Search)
- Magnus Ågren (now Rattfeldt), PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2008 (PhD Thesis: Set Constraints for Local Search) (Errata)
- Alice Lesser, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2007 (PhD Thesis: Optimal and Hereditarily Optimal Realizations of Metric Spaces) (I was a co-advisor)
- Brahim Hnich, PhD student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003 (PhD Thesis: Function Variables for Constraint Programming)
- ... more recent MSc and BSc students to be added here ...
- Jip Dekker, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016 (MSc thesis: Sub-Problem Pre-Solving in MiniZinc)
- Gustav Björdal, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016 (MSc thesis: String Variables for Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Max Block, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016 (MSc thesis: Pre-Runtime Scheduling of an Avionics System)
- Patrik Broman, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2016 (BSc thesis: Implementing Tuple Variables in Gecode)
- Frej Knutar, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2015 (MSc thesis: Automatic Generation of Assembly Schedules for a Dual-Arm Robot Using Constraint Programming), winner of the AI Master's Thesis Award 2016 of SAIS!
- Emil Kajgård, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2015 (MSc thesis: Route Optimisation for Winter Road Maintenance using Constraint Modelling)
- Gustav Björdal, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 (BSc thesis: The First Constraint-Based Local Search Backend for MiniZinc) (Software)
- Kellen Dye, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 (MSc Thesis: Implementation of Bit-Vector Variables in a CP Solver, with an Application to the Generation of Cryptographic S-Boxes)
- Patrik Ehrencrona Kjellin, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 (BSc thesis: Airspace Sectorsation Using Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Valentina Chapovalova, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 (BSc Thesis: Consistency of Constraint Reifications by Reformulation)
- Joakim Ejenstam, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2014 (MSc Thesis: Implementing a Time Optimal Task Sequence For Robot Assembly Using Constraint Programming)
- Peter Backeman, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013 (MSc Thesis: Solving the Haplotype Inference Problem Using the nVector Constraint)
- Joakim Lindqvist, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013 (MSc Thesis: Implementing a Physician Roster Using Constraint Programming)
- Gösta Agerberg, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2013 (MSc Thesis: Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem using Search-based Methods and PDDL)
- Johan Öfverstedt, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012 (BSc Thesis: Water Retention on Magic Squares with Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Henning Hellkvist and William Sjöstedt, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2012 (MSc Thesis: Toward Automated Timetabling at TekNat)
- Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (MSc Thesis: Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search), winner of the AI Master's Thesis Award 2012 of SAIS!
- Nicholas Baltzer, BSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (BSc Thesis: Backbone Solver for Water Retaining Magic Squares via Constraint Based Local Search)
- Josef Kvist, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (confidential MSc Thesis)
- Maria Andreina Francisco Rodriguez, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (MSc Thesis: Consistency of Constraint Networks Induced by Automaton-Based Constraint Specifications)
- Carlos Eduardo Alvarez Divo, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (MSc Thesis: Automated Reasoning on Feature Models via Constraint Programming)
- Peter Jägare, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2011 (MSc Thesis: Airspace Sectorisation Using Constraint Programming)
- Karl Sundequist Blomdahl, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2010 (MSc Thesis: Contingency Plans for Air Traffic Management)
- Farshid Hassani Bijarbooneh, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2009 (MSc Thesis: Dynamic Demand-Capacity Balancing for Air Traffic Management Using Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Pan Xiaoyue, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2009 (MSc Thesis: Haplotype Inference by Pure Parsimony with Constraint Programming)
- Samuel Edqvist, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2008 (MSc Thesis: Scheduling Physicians Using Constraint Programming)
- Mats Norberg, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2006 (MSc Thesis: Writing a Compiler for the Finite-Domain CSP Modeling Language ESRA)
- Henrik Öhrman, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2005 (MSc Thesis: Breaking Symmetries in Matrix Models)
- Maria Eriksson, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2005 (MSc Thesis: Detecting Symmetries in Relational Models of CSPs)
- Olof Sivertsson, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2005 (MSc Thesis: Construction of Synthetic CDO Squared)
- Simon Wrang, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 2002 (MSc Thesis: Implementation of the ESRA Constraint Modelling Language)
- Zeynep Kiziltan, MSc student, Uppsala University, Sweden, 1999 (now an Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy) (MSc Thesis: Schema-Guided Synthesis of Constraint Logic Programs)
- Dr Hamza Zidoum, postdoc, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1998 (now an Assistant Professor at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman)
- Halime Büyükyildiz, MSc student, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1997 (now at Alstom Esca, Seattle, WA, USA) (MSc Thesis: Schema-based Logic Program Transformation)
- Serap Yilmaz, MSc student, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1997 (now at Microsoft, Redmont, WA, USA) (MSc Thesis: Inductive Synthesis of Recursive Logic Programs)
- Christophe Bauvir, MSc student, Universite de Namur, Belgium, 1996 (MSc Thesis: An Architecture and an Abstract Datatype for an Inductive Schema-Guided Logic Program Synthesizer)
- Serdar Kadioglu and Yilmaz Can Cecen, BSc students, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007 (Undergraduate Thesis: Haplotype Inference Using Constraint Technology)
- Hilal Kosucu, BSc student, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007 (Undergraduate Thesis: RNA Secondary Structure Prediction Using Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Birol Yüceoglu, BSc student, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007 (Undergraduate Thesis: Financial Portfolio Optimization Using Constraint-Based Local Search)
- Esra Erdem, BSc student, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1996 (now an Associate Professor at Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey) (Undergraduate Thesis: An MSG Method and a Schema-Guided Logic Program Synthesis)
- Tugkan Batu, BSc student, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1996 (now an Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics, UK) (Undergraduate Thesis: Schema-Guided Transformations for Logic Algorithms)
- ... many other undergraduate theses (at BU) and some non-research-oriented MSc theses (at UU) ...
Last modified: Thu Jan 9 16:35:49 CET 2025