Kick-off Meeting for SweConsNet,
the Network for Sweden-based
researchers and practitioners
of Constraint technology

Friday 24th of May 2002, Uppsala

Sponsored by ASTEC,
the Advanced Software TEChnology
competence centre

Uppsala University ASTRA research group ASTEC


We believe that Sweden has a critical mass of research and development in constraint programming, but lacks an infrastructure allowing the involved people to learn about the existing projects and products, to meet each other, and to cross-fertilise through partnerships. With inspiration from our colleagues in the United Kingdom, who are loosely but effectively organised through UK ConsNet, we hereby launch

the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint programming

with at least the following objectives:

Schedule (Minutes)


Uppsala University
Mathematics & Informatics Centre (MIC)
House 1, Room 1-111
(Directions to MIC) (Directions inside MIC)


Pierre Flener, Information Technology, Uppsala University

Justin Pearson, Information Technology, Uppsala University

Please register by Tuesday 21st of May, so that we can make the necessary catering arrangements.

Pierre Flener and Justin Pearson
Last modified: 14 June 2002