Special Issue on Constraint Programming
for Air Traffic Control & Management

at The Knowledge Engineering Review

Constraint Programming

Constraint Programming (CP) is a powerful technology to model and solve combinatorial (optimisation) problems, which are ubiquitous in industry. CP works either via systematic search based on constraint propagation (the elimination of impossible values), or via constraint-based local search. CP is an ideal integration technology for hybrid solving, including also methods from classical operations research, such as mixed integer programming, and Boolean satisfiability. CP is now a mature field and has been successfully used for tackling a wide range of real-life complex applications, especially for short-term scheduling, personnel rostering, and configuration problems.

Aims & Scope of the Special Issue

This special issue is a follow-up to the International Workshop on Constraint Programming for Air Traffic Control & Management, held at the 7th EuroControl Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition at the EuroControl Experimental Centre in Brétigny-sur-Orge, France on Tuesday 2 December 2008, and where the proceedings consisted only of the slides of the presentations given. The call for papers was not restricted to the participants of that workshop.

Note that EuroControl is the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, with 38 member states at present and headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

Important Dates

Letter of intent1 March 2009
Submission1 May 2009
Notification1 October 2009
Camera-ready copy1 December 2009
PublicationSeptember 2012, volume 27, issue 3

Accepted Papers (available here)

Cyril Allignol, Nicolas Barnier, Pierre Flener, and Justin PearsonConstraint Programming for Air Traffic Management: A Survey
Nicolas Barnier and Cyril AllignolTrajectory Deconfliction with Constraint Programming
Arnaud GotliebTCAS Software Verification using Constraint Programming
David W. Hildum and Stephen F. SmithScheduling Safe Movement of Air Traffic in Crowded Air Spaces
Ulrich JunkerAir Traffic Flow Management with Heuristic Repair

Guest Editors

Pierre FlenerUppsala University, Sweden
Justin PearsonUppsala University, Sweden
Marc BourgoisEuroControl Experimental Centre, Brétigny-sur-Orge, France

Last modified: Thu Aug 9 15:29:09 CEST 2012
The preparation of this special issue has been co-financed by the European Organisation for the Safety or Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) under its innovative research grant scheme.
The content of the special issue does not necessarily reflect the official position of EUROCONTROL on the matter.
© 2012 EUROCONTROL and Uppsala University (and/or others, as appropriate). All rights reserved.