The Third International Workshop
on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
CP 2003 Workshop
Monday 29 September 2003
Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland
Accepted Papers
Invited Talk
Steve Linton
Group Theory, Symmetry and Constraint Programming.
Papers to be Presented
Fadi A. Aloul, Arathi Ramani, Igor L. Markov and Karem A. Sakallah
Symmetry-Breaking for Pseudo-Boolean Formulas
Marco Cadoli and Toni Mancini
Detecting and breaking symmetries on specifications
Derek Long and Maria Fox
Symmetries in Planning Problems
Warwick Harvey
The Fully Social Golfer Problem
Justin Pearson
Comma Free Codes
Iain McDonald
NuSBDS: Symmetry Breaking made Easy
Warwick Harvey, Tom Kelsey and Karen Petrie
Symmetry Group Expression for CSPs
Other Papers to appear in the Workshop Notes
Assef Chmeiss and Lakhdar Sais
About Neighborhood Substitutability in CSPs
Brahim Hnich, Zeynep Kiziltan and Toby Walsh
Combining Symmetry Breaking with Other Constraints: lexicographic
ordering with sums
Ian P. Gent, Iain McDonald and Barbara M. Smith
Conditional Symmetry in the All-Interval Series Problem
Hay-Wai Chan and Igor L. Markov
Symmetries in Rectangular Block-Packing
Ian P. Gent and Iain McDonald
Symmetry and Propagation: Refining an AC algorithm
Y.C. Law and J.H.M. Lee
Expressing Symmetry Breaking Constraints Using Multiple Viewpoints
and Channeling Constraints
Alan Frisch and Warwick Harvey
Constraints for Breaking All Row and Column Symmetries in a
Three-by-Two Matrix
Karen Petrie
Why SBDD can be worse than SBDS
Anagh Lal and Berthe Choueiry
Dynamic Detection and Exploitation of Value Symmetries for Non-Binary Finite CSPs
Jean-Francois Puget
Using Constraint Programming to Compute Symmetries
Warwick Harvey
The Fully Social Golfer Problem
Sebastian Will and Rolf Backofen
Breaking of Partial Symmetries
in the Photo and Alignment Problem
BMS Last modified: 28 August 2003