Call for Papers & Call for Participation

The Third International Workshop
on Symmetry in Constraint Satisfaction Problems

CP 2003 Workshop
Monday 29 September 2003
Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland

Accepted Papers


Workshop Notes

Many constraint satisfaction problems have some symmetry: any assignment can be transformed into a set of symmetrically equivalent assignments. The symmetries preserve solutions: if any assignment in a symmetry equivalent class is consistent with the constraints, they all are. For instance, in many CSPs some of the variables refer to entities which are indistinguishable, and the values assigned to these variables can be interchanged in any solution. Where symmetry exists in a CSP, dealing with it effectively is often critical to the success of solving the CSP. Unless this is done, search often thrashes, revisiting symmetrically equivalent states over and over again.

The SymCon'03 workshop will provide a forum for research into any aspect of symmetry in constraint satisfaction problems, including:

SymCon'03 will be the third workshop in the series, following the successful earlier workshops SymCon'01 at CP 2001 in Paphos, Cyprus and SymCon'02 at CP 2002 in Ithaca, NY, USA. It will be a half-day workshop: SymCon'03 and the Modelling & Reformulation Workshop will be timetabled consecutively to allow attendance at both.

Steve Linton (University of St Andrews) will give an invited talk at the Workshop. Steve leads the international consortium developing GAP (Groups, Algorithms, Programs), a system used in particular for computational group theory. He will talk on the links between group theory, symmetry and constraint programming.

Submission Process

Researchers wishing to give talks at the workshop should submit a paper in LNCS format by 23 July. Papers should normally be up to 8 pages, but longer papers (up to a maximum of 15 pages) may be submitted with the agreement of the programme chairs. Short papers, for instance describing work in progress, are acceptable. If necessary for time reasons, only a subset of the papers will be presented: a selection will then be made by the Programme Committee. However, all accepted papers will appear in the Workshop Notes.

Submitted papers should be emailed as PS or PDF files, to the Programme Chairs by Wednesday 23 July 2003.

At least one author of each presented submission must attend the workshop. All workshop attendees must pay the CP 2003 workshop registration fee; attendance is otherwise open.

Important Dates

Paper submission deadline: Wednesday 23 July 2003
Notification deadline: Friday 8 August 2003
Camera-ready-copy deadline: Monday 25 August 2003
Workshop: Monday 29 September 2003

Programme Committee Chairs

For further information, please contact one of the programme chairs.

Programme Committee Members

BMS Last modified: 9 October 2003