SweConsNet is the Network for Sweden-based researchers and practitioners of Constraint technology.
Following the previous successful workshops, we would like to announce the 11th SweConsNet workshop, which will take place in Örebro, Sweden on May 14th 2012. The workshop is organized in collocation with the 27th annual workshop of the Swedish Artificial Intelligence Society (SAIS).
The purpose of this workshop is to learn about ongoing research in constraint programming, as well as existing projects and products. We will also discuss the further development of the network, such as a possible widening to other Nordic countries.
The workshop is open to everybody interested in the theory and practice of constraint programming, whether based in Sweden or elsewhere. The scope of the workshop spans all areas of Constraint Programming, and is open to presentations and discussions addressing topics related to both theory and application.
Please forward a link of this page to people who might be interested but are not yet on the SweConsNet mailing list. They can subscribe to it by sending a message to Justin.Pearson at it.uu.se .
We hope for your participation, and highly encourage you to submit a proposal for a presentation of your ongoing work, recent results, or of a relevant discussion topic. There are no paper submissions, reviews, or proceedings, hence recent conference/journal papers may also be presented.
To register, please send a brief statement of intent, and desirably the title and abstract of your talk, to Christian Schulte (cschulte at kth.se). In order to facilitate organization, please notify us of your intention to participate as soon as possible, and at the latest before April 30th, 2012. The workshop does not have a registration fee.
The talks in the morning will be in lecture hall T, the SweConsNet talks in the afternoon will be in room T101 in house T (close to the lecture hall T where SAIS is). [map]