(In no particular order…)Challenges in Hardware Verification
Eyal Bin
We present a glimpse of the modern challenges of high-end hardware system manufacturers and their CP/SAT-based solutions, in particular the interface and interplay between simulation-based and formal verification.
On Solving Temporal Logic Constraints in Constrained Transition Systems
François Fages
We study constrained transition systems where both states and transitions are described symbolically with constraints, and consider the satisfaction of temporal logic formulae containing free variables. We present a fixpoint procedure to solve temporal logic constraints in this setting and show its generality compared to the constraint-based deductive model-checking method of Delzanno and Podelski. We illustrate the expressive power of this framework with a few examples, describe its implementation in Prolog and PPL, and demonstrate the scalability of this approach with one challenging application for the parameter synthesis problem of piecewise multi-affine models of gene regulation.
(Joint work with Grégory Batt, Calin Belta, Thierry Martinez, and Neda Saeedloei)
Program Transformation and Constraint-Based Verification
Valerio Senni
We illustrate a framework for rewriting Constraint Logic Programs (CLP), based on Program Transformation (PT). CLP has been used to provide a model of the behavior of a program, or a system, as well as verification conditions. The interest of using a CLP-based language for this task is in its expressiveness, obtained combining a language of constraints on a specific domain (e.g., FD, trees, reals, integers) with recursion, unification, and negation. PT is a rule-based rewriting calculus that is traditionally used to achieve optimizations of a given program, guided by syntactic properties of the given program. We show how some optimization strategies can be used to perform (or simply improve) some analysis tasks. The transformation process, integrated with constraint manipulation techniques, is successful whenever it is able to reduce the initial, complex reasoning task to a much easier one (such as a simple constraint satisfiability test).
An Alternative to SAT-based Approaches for Bit-Vectors
Sébastien Bardin
The theory BV of bit-vectors, i.e. fixed-size arrays of bits equipped with standard low-level machine instructions, is becoming very popular in formal verification. Standard solvers for this theory are based on a bit-level encoding into propositional logic and SAT-based resolution techniques. In this paper, we investigate an alternative approach based on a word-level encoding into bounded arithmetic and Constraint Programming (CP) resolution techniques. We define an original CP framework (domains and propagators) dedicated to bitvector constraints. This framework is implemented in a prototype and thorough experimental studies have been conducted. The new approach is shown to perform much better than standard CP-based approaches, and to considerably reduce the gap with the best SAT-based BV solvers.
(Remark: the interest here regarding "CP meets CAV" is to show how CP(FD) can be used as a promising alternative to the standard SAT-based resolution of bitvectors constraints, which are a major issue in program verification.)
(TACAS 2010)
A Combined Approach for Solving Constraints over Finite Domains and Arrays
Sébastien Bardin
Arrays are ubiquitous in the context of software verification. However, effective reasoning over arrays is still rare in CP, as local reasoning is dramatically ill-conditioned for constraints over arrays. In this paper, we propose an approach combining both global symbolic reasoning and local filtering in order to solve constraint systems involving arrays (with accesses, updates and size constraints) and finite-domain constraints over their elements and indexes. Our approach, named fdcc, is based on a combination of a congruence closure algorithm for the standard theory of arrays and a CP solver over finite domains. The tricky part of the work lies in the bi-directional communication mechanism between both solvers. We identify the significant information to share, and design ways to master the communication overhead. Experiments on random instances show that fdcc solves more formulas than any portfolio combination of the two solvers taken in isolation, while overhead is kept reasonable.
(Remark: The interest here regarding "CP meets CAV" is the following. First note that the theory of arrays is crucial in software verification. We show how to combine symbolic techniques (typically used in CAV) and filtering techniques from CP to solve constraints over arrays ranging over finite domains.)
(CPAIOR 2011, with Arnaud Gotlieb)
Quantized Feedback Control Software Synthesis from System Level Formal Specifications
Enrico Tronci
Many Embedded Systems are indeed Software Based Control Systems, that is control systems whose controller consists of control software running on a microcontroller device. This motivates investigation on Formal Model Based Design approaches for automatic synthesis of embedded systems control software.
We present an algorithm, along with a tool QKS implementing it, that from a formal model (as a Discrete Time Linear Hybrid System, DTLHS) of the controlled system (plant), Implementation Specifications (that is, number of bits in the Analog-to-Digital, AD, conversion) and System Level Formal Specifications (that is, safety and liveness requirements for the closed loop system) returns correct-by-construction control software that has a Worst Case Execution Time (WCET) linear in the number of AD bits and meets the given specifications.
We model DTLHSs, as well as safety and liveness properties as boolean combinations of linear constraints over real as well as discrete variables. We use a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) solver (namely, GLPK), to compute a suitable finite state overapproximation of the DTLHS modelling the plant and use Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) to compute a (BLIF representation of a) controller meeting the given specifications and then to generate a C implementation for such a controller.
We show feasibility of our approach by presenting experimental results on using it to synthesize control software for a buck DC-DC converter, a widely used mixed-mode analog circuit.
Work presented at CAV 2010:
F. Mari, I. Melatti, I. Salvo, and E. Tronci,
Synthesis of quantized feedback control software for discrete time linear hybrid systems,
in Computer Aided Verification (T. Touili, B. Cook, and P. Jackson,
eds.), vol. 6174 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 180-195,
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
Programming with Boolean Satisfaction
Mike Codish
In recent years, research on Boolean satisfiability (SAT) is generating remarkably powerful SAT solvers capable of handling larger and larger SAT instances. With the availability of progressively stronger SAT solvers, an accumulating number of applications have been developed which demonstrate that real world problems can often be solved by encoding them into SAT. Tailgating the success of SAT technology are a variety of tools which can be applied to help specify and then compile problem instances to corresponding SAT instances. Typically, a constraint based modeling language is introduced and used to model instances. Then encoding techniques are applied to compile constraints to the language of an underlying solver such as SAT, SMT, or others. In this talk I advocate the need for "optimizing compilers" for SAT encoding and present BEE ("Ben-Gurion University Equi-propagation Encoder"). Using BEE eases the encoding process and performs optimizations to simplify constraints prior to their encoding to CNF. I will describe these optimizations: equi-propagation, partial evaluation, and decomposition, and demonstrate their application.
(Invited talk at FLOPS 2012)
Reasoning for Verification: Theorem Provers, SMT, and Interpolation
Philipp Rümmer
Automated theorem provers and SMT solvers form the backbone of many of today’s verification systems, responsible for discharging verification conditions that encode correctness properties of hardware or software designs, generating counterexamples, refining abstractions, and other purposes. In this talk I will try to give an overview of automated logic-based reasoning technology relevant for verification; while the selection will necessarily be biased by personal research, prejudice will be kept at a minimum. I will in particular outline successes, a number of current research directions, including Craig interpolation, and challenges in the development of solvers tailored to verification.
Abstract Domains for Automated Reasoning about List-Manipulating Programs with Infinite Data
Constantin Enea
We describe a framework for reasoning about programs with lists carrying integer numerical data. We use abstract domains to describe and manipulate complex constraints on configurations of these programs mixing constraints on the shape of the heap, sizes of the lists, on the multisets of data stored in these lists, and on the data at their different positions. Moreover, we provide powerful techniques for automatic validation of Hoare-triples and invariant checking, as well as for automatic synthesis of invariants and procedure summaries using modular inter-procedural analysis. The approach has been implemented in a tool called CELIA and experimented successfully on a large benchmark of programs.
Abstractions from Tests
Hongseok Yang
In this talk, I will present a framework for leveraging dynamic analysis to find good abstractions for static analysis. A static analysis in our framework is parametrised. Our main insight is to directly and efficiently compute from a concrete trace, a necessary condition on the parameter configurations to prove a given query, and thereby prune the space of parameter configurations that the static analysis must consider. Following this framework, we have developed two cost-effective static analyses: a flow- and context-sensitive thread-escape analysis and a flow- and context-insensitive points-to analysis. In the talk, I will use the former analysis as a running example, and explain the key ideas of our framework concretely. I will also comment on the results of running this analysis on six Java programs comprising two million bytecodes.
(Joint work with Mayur Naik, Ghila Castelnuovo, and Mooly Sagiv.)
SMT Solvers and Their Limitations
Ruzica Piskac
Modern SMT solvers are powerful tools, used as a core engine in applications, such as program analysis, software engineering, program model checking, hardware verification, and many more. In this talk we give an overview of basic techniques, used in the implementation of SMT solvers. SMT solvers can reason about formulas that combine several different theories and we describe the standard Nelson-Oppen combination procedure. We also report on some of the limitations of today's SMT solvers. Although the research and development of theory solvers is guided by need of the users, there are still some interesting decidable theories that lack an efficient theory solver. In addition, not all SMT solvers can handle quantified formulas. There exist complete instantiation-based procedures that can address the satisfiability question, even for quantified formulas. Finally, we will show that the requirements of Nelson-Oppen combination are too restrictive and we will presented a new combination technique for theories sharing sets. This combination procedure works by reduction to a common shared theory. The resulting theory is useful for automated verification of complex properties of data structure implementations.
Software Synthesis using Automated Reasoning
Ruzica Piskac
Software synthesis is a technique for automatically generating code from a given specification. The goal of software synthesis is to make software development easier, while increasing both the productivity of the programmer and the correctness of the produced code. In this talk, we present an approach to synthesis that relies on the use of automated reasoning and decision procedures. Comfusy is an extension to the Scala compiler and a tool for complete functional synthesis. It accepts as an input expressions with input and output variables and outputs code that computes output values as a function of input values. In addition, it also outputs the preconditions that the input variables have to satisfy in order for a solution to exist. We will also present a tool for interactive synthesis of code snippets.